Internationaal erkend
Certified International (Advanced) Procurement Professional
De CIPP (Certified International Procurement Professional), CIPM (Certified International Procurement Manager) en CIPL (Certified International Procurement Leader) certificeringsprogramma’s zijn ontwikkeld in samenwerking met de Procurement Academy en het Purchasing & Procurement Center.
Deze trainingen zijn van een hoog inhoudelijk niveau, direct in de praktijk toe te passen en een internationaal begrip. Niet voor niets mogen deze programma’s zich tot de top 5 wereldwijd van Inkoopopleiding certificeringen rekenen.
Beide trainingen zijn compleet online te volgen en zijn scenario-based ingericht, wat ervoor zorgt dat kandidaten in no time klaargestoomd worden tot inkoop professional. Met een compleet arsenaal aan templates, is de training na afronding direct in de praktijk toe te passen.
CIPP, CIPM en CIPL programma's
Level 1
Certified International Procurement Professional
Essential Procurement Skills
The CIPP certification is the foundation upon which procurement professionals can build a successful career.
- Strategic Sourcing
- Negotiation Preparation
- Procurement Ethics
- Supplier Qualification & Performance Management
- Commercial Contracts Terms & Conditions
- Cost and Price Analysis & Management
Level 2
Certified International Procurement Manager
Advanced Procurement and Management Skills
The CIPM certification is tailored for procurement professionals seeking to advance into managerial roles.
- Contract Administration & Audit
- Managing Cost Reduction & Price Increases
- Advanced Negotiations
- Category Management
- Finance Concepts for Procurement
- Supplier Relationship Management
Level 3
Certified International Procurement Leader
Executive Procurement and Leadership Skills
The CIPL certification represents the pinnacle of achievement for procurement professionals operating at the highest levels of leadership.
- Leadership, Management & Business Acumen
- Stakeholder Engagement
- ESG/Sustainability in Procurement
- Risk Management
- Role of Technology & AI in Procurement

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